
The Ultimate Guide to exploring Emu Park


Camping is a great way for you to connect and have fun with your friends and loved ones, thus it can be included on different occasions. Such as weddings, birthdays, corporate events, anniversaries, and many more. The beauty that camping has held for people over many years volumes how much people enjoy and appreciate the outdoor activities. Since camping is known to be an activity that will never go out of fashion. It provides you with a chance to explore and discover what nature can offer you.

There are countless places wherein you can plan your next camping trip. Yet, only a few can offer you whole value for your money when it comes to the experience of camping. You need to consider some factors such as the cost, ease and convenience, and availability of camping sites. If you’re looking for a place that offers exciting camping adventures, you can try camping in Emu Park.

A go-to list of things to do in Emu Park

One of the highlighted features of the Capricorn Coast is the string of small townships settled within the greater area. Each area has its distinct opportunities for adventure and fun. Providing alluring and interesting attractions in most towns and matching the right amount of old school and the right amount of modern that will suit the taste of every visitor. Below are some of the enjoyable things you can try while staying at Emu Park.


  • There are a lot of great spots to fish off the beach. Rocky outcrops and sand spots, and there is also a Cooroman Creek boat ramp. You can try kayaking on a quiet and peaceful morning, yet the ramp has a pontoon inclined which makes it great for fishing.

Visit the Historical Museum

  • Emu Park Historical Museum features a lot of excellent things. Adding extra buildings and shed’s to showcase all of its displays, the museum provides an electric range of exhibits. Some are done masterfully by locals, exhibits range from the classic recreations of yesteryear to a superb display of maritime paraphernalia. The volunteers are also helpful and knowledgeable.

Emu Park Skate Park

  • Emu Parks skate bowl is ideal for all ages. You will enjoy seeing an expert middle age skater mentoring young ages, the atmosphere is also welcoming. The bowl itself is ideal for beginners since there are no hardcore drops. Emu Park skate park is situated in Bell Park and has full shade and night lighting.

Aside from having a great experience camping, you can expect many things to do in Emu Park. It has an unfolding beauty that will make you stay and give you an absolutely enjoyable experience. There are three major townships in Emu Park which include The Leap, Emu Park Village, and the Yeppoon.

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