
The Simpson Desert Four Wheel Drive Tag Along Tour


If there’s something interesting about the Australian outback, it has to be the vast deserted lands. From the iconic red sceneries toamusing cultural connections, the outback forms the heart of Australia. Interestingly, these huge uninhabited and arid lands are also known to offer some of the greatest and surreal lifetime adventures.

One of these outbacks is the Simpson desert. These desert is largely uninhabited, with kilometers of dunes stretching out before your eyes. Usually,a four-wheel-drive tag along across the Simpson is considered the epitome of desert crossing in Australia. Its undeniablya once in a lifetime outback adventure. 

What Awaits You in the Simpson 4WD Tag Along

The Simpson Desert is located in the Southern parts of Australia near Lake Eyre. Stretching for almost 170000 square kilometers,the desert is the largest parallel dune desert globally.The Simpson also spans into three states, making it one of the largest deserts in the country.

The Simpson desert’s extensive land means it can only be traversed by a four-wheel drive. Until now, only a few tour operators have the know-how and courage to take tourists into this iconic wilderness.

Most tour companies plying the route view it as a tough terrain, albeit with great offerings. If well utilized, these outback tour experiences are good for travel industry social media strategies

What You Need to Know About Crossing the Simpson Desert

Simpson desert doesn’t offer your usual desert tours. This iconic outback adds something more to what you are used to. For instance, it’s one of the most challenging desert tours. However, there’s a guarantee you’ll get the most out of your time.Here’s what to expect in the Simpson desert;

You Won’t Enjoy Your Tour If You Don’t ConsiderTiming.

The only way you’ll get to enjoy your tour of the Simpsons is by being keen on your timing. For most residents, the best time to be in the Simpson Desert is April to October. This is usually the time when all the climatic conditions are favorable.

Time is so important when visiting the Simpsons that most tour companies close the crossing permanently between December and March. These months are considered to have extreme heat condition that doesn’t favor human life.

You Might Need More than the Fuel You’re Used to

To be safe with your four-wheel drive Simpson desert tag along tour, ensure you are well stocked with enough fuel. Driving in the sandy Simpson desert will have you racing higher and going slower than normal. You can be rest assured this will lead to more fuel consumption than it would usually for the same distance.

Carry a Satellite Communicator

There are no mobile phone services while in the Simpson desert. This spans all through the 420 kilometers you’ll take on your four-wheel drive. The lack of mobile phone reception means you have no one else if something goes wrong.

Final Thought

There’s no point why you shouldn’t pay a visit to the Australian outback. One of the particular places you need to visit is the Simpson desert. A four-wheel drive tag along tour won’t cost much, compared to all the adventure that is in store for you. Try out this desert tour experience and find out what you’ve been missing.


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