The choice of Vancouver for a trip is very frequent. And for good reason, the landscapes in this country are magnificent and the population very welcoming. It is not for nothing that hundreds of thousands of people go to this country every year to work. To visit, many cities are very interesting and have a lot of charm.
Leaving for Vancouver
So that you can leave in the best conditions and discover this magnificent country in the best way, we are focusing today on the city of Vancouver. We give you our essential advice on how to prepare your trip to Vancouver. As you start your journey from Singapore, you can fly into Vancouver by Cathay Pacific. It’s a journey that will give you the ease of air travelling as well as rejuvenate your mind for a long travel ahead.
If you know when to go and what to visit, you still have to book your flight on suitable airlines and well in advance to get the best prices.And yes, knowing how to properly prepare your trip to Vancouver also means knowing all the little tips that will make you pay less for your plane ticket.
Regarding the details of your flight, you have 0 or 1 stopover for a flight of around 10 hours.
Here We Start Our Exploration
In this article, we will tell you all about the essentials to know to answer the question: how to prepare for your trip to Vancouver. This city is often highly recommended and the feedback is very good. We went there and we confirm this general impression: a beautiful city with a lot to see.
The Best Time
The purpose of this article will be to present you the best dates on which you must leave, how to organize your flight to pay the least possible cost for your journey and finally, we will give you the names of restaurants and hotels that we particularly appreciated on the spot. In short, everything you need to know about how to best prepare your trip to Vancouver.
Choose The Dates For Vancouver: Watch Out For The Extreme Climate
This is an essential point to analyze when you have to choose the dates of your departure for this city and if you want to know how to properly prepare your trip to Canada, it is to look at the climate.
Indeed, we strongly advise travelers to leave during the period November to February because the months of November and December are extremely rainy (no Christmas in Vancouver therefore.).
Vancouver prepare for travel
Then, in January and February, the snow is also very present and the temperatures quite low even if acceptable. So be careful when you want to know how to properly prepare your trip to Vancouver.
For the rest of the year, the climate is as we can know in Paris with less rain and a little more sunshine.
We advise you to leave for this city in the summer, it is there that you will be able to see the fabulous landscapes which are to be found there, in particular on the suspension bridges near the city or the almost-island of Stanley Park where the Olympics were held. You will have the best time there.